
Tabelle aller gelöschter DXCC-Länder!
Präfix Land Kontinent ITU Zone CQ Zone Bemerkung
  Blenheim Reef AF 41 39 Only contacts made from May 4, 1967, to June 30, 1975, count for this entity.
Contacts made July 1, 1975, and after, count as Chagos (VQ9).
  Geyser Reef AF 53 39 Only contacts made from May 4, 1967, to February 28, 1978, count for this entity.
  Abu Ail Isl. AS 39 21 Only contacts made March 30, 1991, and before, count for this entity.
1M Minerva Reef OC 62 32 Unofficial prefix.
Only contacts made from July 15, 1972, and before, count for this entity.
Contacts made July 16, 1972, and after, count as Tonga (A3).
4W Yemen Arab Rep. AS 39 21 Only contacts made before May 21, 1990, and before, count for this entity.
7J1 Okino Tori-shima AS 45 27 Only contacts made May 30, 1976, to November 30, 1980, count for this entity.
Contacts made December 1, 1980, and after, count as Ogasawara (JD1).
8Z4 Saudi Arabia/Iraq Neut. Zone AS 39 21 Only contacts made December 25, 1981, and before, count for this entity.
8Z5, 9K3 Kuwait/Saudi Arabia Neut. Zone AS 39 21 Only contacts made December 14, 1969, and before, count for this entity.
9S4 Saar EU 28 14 Only contacts made March 31, 1957, and before, count for this entity.
9U5 Ruanda-Urundi AF 52 36 Only contacts made from July 1, 1960, to June 30, 1962, count for this entity.
Contact made July 1, 1962, and after, count as Burundi (9U) or Rwanda (9X).
AC3 Sikkim AS 41 22 Unofficial prefix.
Only contacts made April 30, 1975, and before, count for this entity.
Contacts made May 1, 1975, and after, count as India (VU).
AC4 Tibet AS 41 23 Unofficial prefix.
Only contacts made May 30, 1974, and before, count for this entity.
Contacts made May 31, 1974, and after, count as China (BY).
C9 Manchuria AS 33 22 Only contacts made September 15, 1963, and before, count for this entity.
Contacts made September 16, 1963, and after, count as China (BY).
CN2 Tangier AF 37 33 Only contacts made June 30, 1960, and before, count for this entity.
Contacts made July 1, 1960, and after, count as Morocco (CN).
CR8 Damao, Diu AS 41 22 Only contacts made December 31, 1961, and before, count for this entity.
CR8 Goa AS 41 22 Only contacts made December 31, 1961, and before, count for this entity.
CR8, CR1Ø Portuguese Timor OC 54 28 Only contacts made September 14, 1976, and before, count for this entity.
DA-DM Germany EU 28 14 Only contacts made September 16, 1973, and before, count for this entity.
Contacts made September 17, 1973, and after, count as either FRG (DA-DL) or GDR (DM, Y2-Y9).
DM, Y2-9 German Dem. Rep. EU 28 14 Only contacts made from September 17, 1973, to October 2, 1990 count for this entity.
On October 3, 1990, the GDR became part of the FRG.
EA9 Ifni AF 37 33 Only contacts made May 13, 1969, and before, count for this entity.
FF French West Africa AF 46 35 Only contacts made August 6, 1960, and before, count for this entity.
FH, FB8 Comoros AF 53 39 Only contacts made July 5, 1975, and before, count for this entity.
Contacts made July 6, 1975, and after, count as Comoros (D6) or Mayotte (FH).
FI8 French Indo-China AS 49 26 Only contacts made December 20, 1950, and before, count for this entity.
FN8 French India AS 41 22 Only contacts made October 31, 1954, and before, count for this entity.
FQ8 Fr. Equatorial Africa AF 47, 52 36 Only contacts made August 16, 1960, and before will count for this entity.
HKØ Bajo Nuevo NA 11 08 Only contacts made September 16, 1981, and before, count for this entity.
Contacts made September 17, 1981, and after, count as San Andres (HK).
HKØ, KP3, KS4 Serrana Bank & Roncador Cay NA 11 07 Only contacts made September 16, 1981, and before, count for this entity.
Contacts made September 17, 1981, and after, count as San Andres (HK).
I1 Trieste EU 28 15 Only contacts made March 31, 1957, and before, count for this entity.
I5 Italian Somaliland AF 48 37 Only contacts made June 30, 1960, and before, count for this entity.
IJZØ Netherlands N. Guinea OC 51 28 Only contacts made April 30, 1963, and before, count for this entity.
KR6, 8, JR6, KA6 Okinawa (Ryukyu Is.) AS 45 25 Only contacts made May 14, 1972, and before, count for this entity
Contacts made May 15, 1972, and after, count as Japan (JA).
KS4 Swan Is. NA 11 07 Only contacts made August 31, 1972, and before, count for this entity.
Contacts made September 1, 1972, and after, count as Honduras (HR).
KZ5 Canal Zone NA 11 07 Only contacts made September 30, 1979, and before, count for this entity.
OK-OM Czechoslovakia EU 28 15 Only contacts made December 31, 1992, and before, count for this entity.
P2, VK9 Papua Territory OC 51 28 Only contacts made September 15, 1975, and before, count for this entity.
Contacts made September 16, 1975, and after, count as Papua New Guinea (P2).
P2, VK9 Terr. New Guinea OC 51 28 Only contacts made September 15, 1975, and before, count for this entity.
Contacts made September 16, 1975, and after, count as Papua New Guinea (P2).
PJ Bonaire, Curacao SA 11 09 Only contacts made October 9, 2010, and before, count for this entity.
PJ St. Maarten, Saba, St. Eustatius SA 11 08 Only contacts made October 9, 2010, and before, count for this entity.
PK1-3 Java OC 54 28 Only contacts made April 30, 1963, and before, count for this entity.
Contact made May 1, 1963, and after, count as Indonesia.
PK4 Sumatra OC 54 28 Only contacts made April 30, 1963, and before, count for this entity.
Contact made May 1, 1963, and after, count as Indonesia.
PK5 Netherlands Borneo OC 54 28 Only contacts made April 30, 1963, and before, count for this entity.
Contact made May 1, 1963, and after, count as Indonesia.
PK6 Celebe & Molucca Is. OC 54 28 Only contacts made April 30, 1963, and before, count for this entity.
Contact made May 1, 1963, and after, count as Indonesia.
STØ Southern Sudan AF 47,48 34 Only contacts made between May 7, 1972 and December 31, 1994, count for this entity.
UN1 Karelo-Finnish Rep. EU 19 16 Only contacts made June 30, 1960, and before, count for this entity.
Contacts made July 1, 1960, and after count as European RSFSR (UA).
VO Newfoundland, Labrador NA 09 02,05 Only contacts made March 31, 1949, and before, count for this entity.
Contacts made April 1, 1949, and after, count as Canada (VE).
VQ1, 5H1 Zanzibar AF 53 37 Only contacts made May 31, 1974, and before, count for this entity.
Contacts made June 1, 1974, and after, count as Tanzania (5H).
VQ6 British Somaliland AF 48 37 Only contacts made June 30, 1960, and before, count for this entity.
VQ9 Aldabra AF 53 39 Only contacts made June 28, 1976, and before, count for this entity.
Contacts made June 29, 1976, and after, count as Seychelles (S7).
VQ9 Desroches AF 53 39 Only contacts made June 28, 1976, and before, count for this entity.
Contacts made June 29, 1976, and after, count as Seychelles (S7).
VQ9 Farquhar AF 53 39 Only contacts made June 28, 1976, and before, count for this entity.
Contacts made June 29, 1976, and after, count as Seychelles (S7).
VS2, 9M2 Malaya AS 54 28 Only contacts made September 15, 1963, and before, count for this entity.
Contacts made September 16, 1963, and after, count as West Malaysia (9M2) or East Malaysia (9M6,8).
VS4 Sarawak AS 54 28 Only contacts made September 15, 1963, and before, count for this entity.
Contacts made September 16, 1963, and after, count as West Malaysia (9M2) or East Malaysia (9M6,8).
VS9A, P, S People's Dem. Rep. of Yemen AS 39 21 Only contacts made before May 22, 1990, and before, count for this entity.
VS9H Kuria Muria I. AS 39 21 Only contacts made November 29, 1967, and before, count for this entity.
VS9K Kamaran Is. AS 39 21 Only contacts made on March 10, 1982, and before, count for this entity.
ZC5 British North Borneo OC 54 28 Only contacts made September 15, 1963, and before, count for this entity.
Contacts made September 16, 1963, and after, count as West Malaysia (9M2) or East Malaysia (9M6,8).
ZC6, 4X1 Palestine AS 39 20 Only contacts made June 30, 1968, and before, count for this entity.
Contacts made July 1, 1968, and after, count as Israel (4X).
ZD4 Gold Coast, Togoland AF 46 35 Only contacts made March 5, 1957, and before, count for this entity.
ZSØ, 1 Penguin Is. AF 57 38 Only contacts made February 29, 1994, and before, count for this entity.
ZS9 Walvis Bay AF 57 38 Only contacts made from September 1, 1977 to February 28, 1994, count for this entity.

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