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My QSL Card Collection
There are currently 8209 cards from 302 countries in the database

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Confirmations for each band by DXCC countries



Confirmations per band

   80m12921041070 1377

   40m20141370041 2075

   20m234726453092 2513

   17m12803002 133

   15m136052592030 1504

   10m167212390127 1751

    6m100000 1

Total 881411315761262 9353


confirmed DXCC countries       mixed

   80m53541012 54

   40m84860013 84

   20m2449263021 245

   17m6803002 69

   15m23015292011 230

   10m2238250113 224

   6m100000 1

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