My QSL Card Collection

There are 8094 cards from 302 countries in the data base

(Last updated: 28.08.2023 - 11:14)
Database Search

There exist the following search options:

1. Search for a specific call sign!
(Enter the desired call sign! - example: XX1XX)

2. Search for a string at the beginning of a call sign!
(By adding a "*" character to the search string - example: XX1*)

3. Search for a string at the end of a call sign!
(By placing an "*" sign in front of the search string - example: *XX)

4. Search for a string anywhere in the call sign!
(By prepending and appending a "*" character to the search string - example: *XX*)

Please enter the search:

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©  Design and Copyright 2013 by Holger Wendt — DL7SP — Wald-Michelbach